Council minutes for June 2023: payments, stolen sign and a raise
RVS integrates to Nexbillpay and provides an easy to use system for RVS’s customers will have access to
an extensive portal to view and/or pay bills.
One of the Welcome to Felsenthal signs was stolen. Steps are being taken to prevent future thefts. Police have been notified and it is hoped the thief will be caught.
Mr. Culp, the Felsenthal public works supervisior requested a raise for his new helper and the council agreed. Read the entire June 2023 minutes here.

May, 2023 council minutes: standing water, an audit, and a program
On May 9, the Felsenthal Town Council met at the town halll. Mr. John Haen addressed the Council about the fact that there was water standing in his ditches and yard. He had talked to the Mayor and Mr. Culp about getting the problem fixed. After further explanation by Mr. Haen, he was advised that since the town has acquired the mini-excavator, the main priority was to attend to those issues town-wide, and that it might take some time.
The council approved the sewer-water audit to be performed by Mr. Salvage. The cost for two years is $4,400. The council also approved purchase of the Center Point Municipal program for accounting and billing for a cost of $2,400.00 to be paid in installments of $418.46 Click here to see the minutes of the meeting.

April, 2023 council minutes: sign, big tree, ditch cleaning, and more
On April 12, the Felsenthal Town Council met. Mayor Howard announced that the Felsenthal sign should be up within the week. She also gave the council an update on the town cleanup which will be accomplished in phases, one of which is underway, while others are being planned.
Two culverts on K Avenue will have to be replaced, the cost of which is $2,158.08. The council approved the job.
The big tree behind the town hall has died. Bids of $1,739, $7,2oo and $6,500 were submitted to fell and remove the tree. The job was awarded to Arl-La-Tree Service for $1,739,
Mayor Howard approached Mark Hook with the Arkansas Game and Fish commission asking what they might do for Felsenthal. Hook replied that the commission could make a walking trail on town land at no cost or work to the done by the town. Click here to see the minutes of the meeting.

Make plans now for the 2023 Bream Festival, hosted by Felsenthal, Friday May 26 and Saturday, May 27
The place to be this May 26-27 is the Felsenthal Bream Festival. Our waters are a legendary "bream hole," and our hospitality is downright home-town friendly. Come for fishing and fun. For complete information, click here.

New in the February meeting: computer, excavator, council member, and "Town Cleaned up ... "
A discussion of water lines to Short Circle was the first issue discussed by the council during the February 14, 2023 meeging. Following that, the council approved a new computer and monitor for the mayor. The council also approved purchase of a Case CX37C Mini Excavator equipped to take care of projects in Felsenthal.
Ms. Arletha Hunt was appointed to file Postion 5 on the city council, replacing Darnell Manning. The mayor gave the council an update on what she has done to get the town cleaned up. She provided a copy of TOWN CLEANED UP ACCORDING TO CITY ORDINANCE #2‐2011 to the people involved.
Council members requested moving the council meeting time from 4:30 p.m., to 6:30 p.m. to accomodate council members who had to leave work early to attend the council meetings. The council approved the rescheduling. See the February minutes here and the March agenda here.

Taking care of business:
The council meets Jan. 10, 2023
Mr. Burson swore-in the any Council members not yet sworn in.
Old business discussed included a new computer for Mayor Howard. The council approved the computer purchase with a price up to $1,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cates showed a picture of a possible town sign. Mr. Culp, the public works director is checking with Union County for any required specifications for such a sign.
The council also asked Mr. Culp to get the costs on a new and used mini-excavator needed by the town for public works projects.
New business included the issue of Mr. Manning declining to take the office, meaning position five on the council is still vacant. The council tabled further discussion until the next meeting.
Three council members will be required by Arkansas law to take an eight-hour on-line course on water system operation and management.
The council then approved the December financials, properly adjourned, and went to the house. See the Jan, 10 minutes here.

Moving bank account, insurance disucussed at Dec. 13 council meeting
The Felsenthal town council was informed in its Dec. 13, 2022 meeting that First Financial accounts would be movded to Simmons bank so that all accounts would be at the same location. The AML ADD insurance signup will be in January. The November town financials were approved.

Hazard mitigation, insurance and run-off election on tap for Nov. 15 council meeting
Our Felsenthal town council will hear hear about Hazard Mitigation from Katie Hardy of the Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development District, will discuss insurance and hear about the run-off election. See the agenda here. During the October meeting, the council heard a report on water and sewer systems funding, reported streetlight outages and 2023 budget items. Check out the minutes here.

Budget, street lights, and water study results set for October council meeting
The Felsenthal town council will hear results from the recent water study, information on street lights not working and will condsider new budget items. See the agenda here. During the September meeting council members approved an alley closing, heard about a dead tree to be cut down, and saw and approved the August financials. There being no further business they voted to split. And did. Check out the minutes.

Water study and abandoned streets on tap again for September meeting
Legendary musician Ray Charles said it best, "One Mo' Time:" The Felsenthal Town Council will hear results from the Update on Water Rates Study from Mr. Koepke during its Seplt. 13 meueting. Also resolutions for partial abandonments for Ave. J and an alleyway abandonment will be discussed. The meeting will also include discussion of reporting "out" street lights and new business, introduction of 2023 budget items.. For those curious as to the proceedings of the August meeting, click here. What you see will be familar.

Water study and abandoned streets on tap for August meeting
The Felsenthal Town Council and anyone else are invited for a meeting Aug. 11 on the water rate study. Hear information and ask questions. At the regular council meeting Aug. 9 in the Town Hall a partial abandonment of J Avenue and an alleyway abandonment between I and H Avenues on 1st Street were on the agenda. Also anyone wanting to submit a petition for office should remember the deadline.
We surmise the recent spate of hot weather will also be discussed, but hold out no hope for legislative relief on that condition. If you are curious about the July meeting, see the minutes here.

Street and alley abandonment before council in July meeting
The Felsenthal Town Council will consider street and alley abandonment issues in its July 19 meeting. See the agenda here. In the June meeting the council heard a report that the sewer connection on Dora St. had been repaired. The issue of dogs running loose was discussed again with a request that Animal Control catch the dogs. See the June minutes here.

Council to consider water rate study in June meeting
The Felsenthal Town Council will discuss old business of the See the agenda heree PPD Water rate studies and review the financials for March, April and May for its June, 14, 2022. . In the May meeting, the council learned any issues with the new and former accounting firms has been resolved. The town has received number street light pole map from Entergy. Sewer pioe damage on Short Circle is repaired. See the May minutes here.

2021 Felsenthal Drinking Water Quality Report now available
The Arkansas Department of Health 2021 Felsenthal Water Association Drinking Water Quality Report is now availble here: https://www.healthy.arkansas.gov/eng/ccr/545.pdf
If you'd like a copy of the report contact us and we will send one to you.

Sewers, CPAs, phones, maps, financials on tap for May council meeting
The Felsenthal Town Council will play catch-up ball in their meeting May 10, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. They're doing the business of the cancelled-for-lack-of-quorum April meeting, and the regular May meeting. Check our the agenda.
The agenda shows old business discussions of the issues with the former CPA firm, Entergy maps, the solution to the sewer damage on Short Circle, and a water rate study. New busisness wise, the new phone system will be discussed along with the latest financials
The minutes of the March meeting sound about like the agenda of the May meeting, but not quite. Subjects discussed were hiring the Maxwell and Associates PLLC, the new CPA firm, Entergy Maps and the ubiquitous Short Circle sewer dilemma.

Phone system, CPA firm and more at the April town council meeting
A resolution of a phone system will be discussed , a CPA has been hired, more on the Entergy maps, sewer damage on Short Circle and contacts on the town sign are on the agenda for the April 12 town council meeting. If you are familiar with the aforementioned April agenda, the March minutes will read about the same except for phone system.

Information on new CPA fim, Entergy map and a hole in Short Circle to be discussed by Council
At its March 8, 2022 meeting the Felsenthal Town Coundil will discuss a possible new CPA firm, an Entergy map and money for a hole in Short Circle at its March 8, 2022 meeting. During the February 8 meeting the alderpersons discussed fee structures, money transfers, lift pumps, relationships between Felsenthal and Batts-Lapile, and water main size. See the minutes here.

Council to explain budget and more in Jan. 8 Meeting
During its Feb. 8, 2022 meeting, the Felsenthan Town Council will answer questions regarding 2022 budget items, entertain a motion to transfer monies, aand discuss a fixed assets inventory. See the agenda here. During the Jan 11 meeing, the new phone and security system and information on signage was discussed as well as various budget and financial aspects the town. See the minutes right here.

Council continues on U Alley, wating on flooring bids, starts on 2022 budget
During its Tuesday, Nov. 9 meeting, the Felsenthal Town Council will discuss a support letter and research on U Alley, will hear about a new AML ADD policy, the new Corona Virus account and other activities and issues. See it all in the meeting agenda.
In case you missed theOctober meeting, check out the minutes of that get-together. An attorney in El Dorado want copies of the agenda and minutes for January, computer issues have been addressed and financials were approved among other items of business.

U-Alley, ailing computer, and email difficulties to be discussed by town council
The Felsenthal Town Council will come together Tuesday, October 12, to consider issues and opportunities facing our fine community. On the agenda is old business to be discussed, to wit: an attorney contact regarding the resolution to close U Alley. New business to be considered includes a need for a new computer for the assistant bookkeeper, the old one apparently a victim of age-related digital arthritis, email difficulties, and September financials.
In case you missed the September meeting, the minutes reveal that our local legislative body discussed the ever-popular U Alley, a separate account at Simmons Bank, a tax levy resolution and June financials. The meeting was peacefully concluded and attendees presumbably repaired to their domicles.

Council to mull over U Alley, new bank account and Corona Virus recover funds
At 4:30 pm Tuesday, Sept 14, the Felsenthal Town Council will consider a resolution to vacate U Alley, opening a new bank account to recieve Corona Virus funds which will be used for floor repairs in city offices, and other town business. In case you missed the August meeting, the council discussed a delay in Tram Road repair, U Alley, possible infrastructure money from Uncle Sam and additional security for this web site. While all of this is not as exciting as catching a mess of fat bream, it is an essential connection for well-informed citizenry.

Tramroad, computers, covid money on the agenda for Aug. 10 council meeting
The Felsenthal Town Council will discuss the tramroad repair, hear about new computers being installed and talk about how to spend the COVID money, and other issues at the Aug. 10 council meeting. During the July meeting the council, after doing due-diligence and discovering a less-than-the-best track record, recommended against using the NLC service line program.

July agenda and June minutes ready to review
"Breamfest was a huge success," according to observations made in the June 8 meeting of the Felsenthal Town Council. "The weather was the best anyone can remember for this festival. Excellent turn out and lots of really good fun and food." On the agenda for the July 13 meeting are discussions on the Tram Road repair, a resolution for fixed assets adjustments, the NLC Service Line program and ARPA potenial COVID-19 money for Felsenthal.

2021 Annual Drinking Water Report now available
The Felsenthal Water Association 2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report from the Arkansas Department of Health is now available.
Your Annual Drinking Water Quality Report is available at www.healthy.arkansas.gov/eng/ccr/545.pdf Copies are available upon request from our office.

May council minutes and June agenda ready to read
Updates on Breamfest (May 28 and 29), the Tramroad and a resolution on fixed assets adjustments comprise the old business items on the June 8 town council meeting. New items include a potential grant money, APRA Covid money and CCR reports now available as hard copies. Want to know what went down in the May meeting? Click here. Come to the town hall at 4:30 p.m. and join the fun.

May council meeting and April meeting minutes
The Felsenthal Town Council will discuss the sewer pump and progress in that department, will hear an updates on Breamfest (May 28 and 29), and an update on the Tram Road during their upcoming May meeting. The mayor asked the Corps of Engineers about plans to rebuild the pavilion. They say they planned to rebuild it but gave no details. During the April meeting, David Culp, Felsenthal publics works superintendent update the council on bids for sewer pumps.

April agenda and March minutes
Upcoming for discussion and/or action in the April 13, 2021 meeting agenda of the Felsenthal Town Council will be: a letter supporting a rebuild of the pavilion, and results; the sewer pump and progress, breamfest updates and a Tram Road update. Discussions shown in the minutes of the March 9, 2021 council meeting included snow storm damage around the town, problems with our water pumps during cold weather, the aforementioned letter and Tram Road and financial reports. There you have it, small town business, USA.

February minutes and March agenda
According to the February, 2021 council minutes, discussions included overheard gunshots, replacing station one lift pumps, paying for the new pumps, and the monthly financial reports were approved. Coming in the March agenda are: sewer pump progress and needs for the same, weather damage around town, water pump issues during bad weather, '21 Breamfest or not and a resolution to delete the old pump from inventory and enter the new pump. The meeting will be at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, March 9.

February council agenda and January minutes
The Felsenthal Town Council will meet at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 9 to conduct the town's business. On the agenda for discussion are reports of guns and shots fired, and the lift pumps at Station 2 which need to be replaced. They'll read the minutes from the January meeting in which gunshots were discussed along with town finances, insurance and the lift pumps at station one.

December council minutes and January agenda
Felsenthal Town Council members addressed a number of issues on it Dec. 15 meeting including: limb cutting, a culvert problem, the working budget, asking for a grant, an alley closing, getting regular state trooper visits and a misbehaving dog. See the December minutes for details. The Jan. 12 agenda promises fewer issues including: the dog again plus brandishing weapons, insurance rates, pump bearings, financial reports, and the budget.

October minutes, November agenda on-line
The agenda for the Nov. 10 meeting of the Felsenthal Town Council is now available on-line. Resurfacing, limb cutting, insurance renewal, COLA increases, other budget issues and the October financials are on tap for discussion. Also find the minutes for the Oct. 13 meeting, State Trooper help, work schedules and ballot issue review caps it off.

Oct. 13 council agenda and Sept. minutes available
The Felsenthal Town Council will meet Oct. 13 and consider speed enforcement, the state audit report, personnel mattes and limbs endangering the town hall according the council agenda. If you happen to be curious as to what went on in the Sept. meeting, it is no secret. Feel free to check the minutes.

July council minutes and August agenda now on-line
In the August 2020 Felsenthal Town Council meeting, members will discuss, old business: the water system, speed bumps, and disaster preparednessd, petitions and the unemployment insurance scam. See the August agenda here. See the July minutes here.

2020 Annual Drinking Water Report now available
The Felsenthal Water Association 2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report from the Arkansas Department of Health is now available. Click here to read or download a copy of the report - or drop by the town hall for a hard copy.

Council meeting set for Tuesday, June 9, 4:30 pm, agenda and May minutes on-line
June 9, the Felsenthal Town Council will hear updates on the water tower, and citizen comments on speed bumps. See the meeting agenda here. Discussed in the minutes for the May council meeting were the 2020 Breamfest cancellation, ADH notices with deficiencies and/or recommendadtion from the recent sanitary survey, water tower progress, and resolutions regarding new and old office equipment. See the May meeting minutes here.

The bloomin' minutes for February and agenda for the March council meeting await you on-line
Check out the agenda for the March 10 Felsenthal Town Council meeting. You'll see that info on the 2020 Breamfest, sewer and water audits, grant money for our streets and some new culverts will be discussed. If you happen to be curious about what happened at the February council meeting, check out the minutes.

2019 final and 2020 proposed Felsenthal budgets now available for review.
Click here to see the budgets.

You'll love to see the February council agenda and the January minutes
Coming up Tuesday, Feb. 11, the Felsenthal Town Council will hear that the grant to repair office floors fell through, that three companies have placed bids for the water tower repair, breamfest, water and sewer fund audits and more. See the agenda. In the January meeting the council talked about insurance cards, vacating a street, breamfest and financial supports. See the minutes.

2019 and proposed 2020 Felsenthal budgets ready for review
State law mandates that municipal budgets be made available for public viewing. In compliance with this law, click here to see the 2019 final and 2020 proposed Felsenthal budgets.

Happy New Year – See the Jan. 14 council meeting agenda and the Dec. 10 minutes
Tuesday's meeting will be livened with discussions of signature cards, vacating a part of 13th St., the never ending search for grant money and Breamfest 2020. See the Jan. 14, 2020 agenda here. The December 10 minutes recount the water tower and pump reports and other scintillating municipal discourse.

Minutes from November council meeting and the December meeting agenda available
Proceedings from the Nov. 12 Felsenthal Town Council meeting are available for all to see here. Read about the water tank cleaning and repair, and bids repairs in small rooms in the town hall. You may similarly discover what's on tap for the Dec. 10 council meeting. Click here. You'll see plans to discuss funds for repairs to the pump house and water tower, the 1/2% proposed sales tax and salary increases.

September council minutes and August agenda await inquiring minds. Just clicks away.
Just in case you missed the Sept. 2019 meeting of the Felsenthal Town Council, all is revealed, including discussions about paving, the siren, bank accounts, the water tower cleaning, the U alley issue and more – in the meeting minutes, click here. If you are curious about what will transpire in the Oct. 8 meeting, take a gander at the agenda for that meeting here.

August council minutes and September agenda now available
The proceedings of the August, 2019 Felsenthal Town Council meeting are now available as meeting minutes, click here for the minutes. You'll see information on storm sirens, bank fees, talk about street improvements and our water tank cleaning. Similarly, you can get a glimpse of what the council will discuss for the Sept. 10 meeting by looking at this agenda.

July minutes and August agenda ready to view
The council approved renewal of the Arkansas Municipal League Vehicle and Property Program. The council also approved submitting a credit application to RealDyne Hill Oil for future orders. The council also reviewed and approved the June 11 financial reports, adjourned and individually went to the house. See the minutes of the meeting here, and the August agenda here.

June minutes and July agenda for all to see
Council member Mary Seymore gave an update on the final results of the 2019 Felsenthal Bream Festival. See the winners of the fishing tournament and BBQ Rib Cookoff here. She reported that she had received much positive feedback on the event. Mayor Newbury announced that the town has received grant funds to add phone capability to the Felsenthal storm siren system. Work is to be done for this project June 25. There was also discussion on abandoning the 13th Street behind First Baptist Church. More to come on this. The water CCR report was received. Find the report here. The agenda for the July council meeting is here.

May minutes and June agenda now available
The agenda fo the June 11 meeting is now available for on-line reading or download. Of note on the agenda is notification that the town received grant money for our storm siren status. Similarly the minutes for the May 14 meeting are now available for on-line reading or download. The minutes document the swearing in of Mary Seymore to serve out the remaining term of recently retired Alderman Bill Clawson. Other details of town government are also available in the minutes.

2018 Annual Drinking Water Report now available
The Felsenthal Water Association 2018 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report from the Arkansas Department of Health is now available. Click here to read or download a copy of the report - or drop by the town hall for a hard copy.

April Felsenthal Town Council meeting minutes and May agenda are available
During the April council meeting Mayor Newbury reported that the new "Positive Pay" services at Simmons Bank are up and running smoothly. David Culp, our Public Works Superintendent reported that he has received three bids to inspect and clean the town's water tower. We are also looking for a new source of computer service the mayor is wanting to get a historical preservation project for the town. See the details in the April minutes here. Find out what's on tap for the May meeting agenda here.

March council minutes and April meeting agenda are here for all to see
The Felsenthal Town Council met on March 12. They heard a report from Mayor Newbury that the process of setting the Municipal League recommended "Postive Pay" system at Simmons Bank is under way. This procedure ads a serious levell of security to the town's financial transactions. Also the mayor reported that information for a siren phone-in system grant has been turned in to the SW Planning and Development District. See the March minutes here. Take a gander at the April council agenda here.

February town council minutes and March agenda now available
The February Felsenthal Town Council meeting included several issues important to our community. A fradulent check was drawn on the Water Fund. Simmons Bank reimbursed the town and made some recommendations to participate in "Positive Pay," an automated fraud protection program recommended by the Arkansas Municipal League. The council discussed improvments in the siren system. The Breamfest Committee attended the meeting and told of their plans for the 2019 event. Get all the details of the meeting here. Find out what's on tap for the March meeting here.

Check out the minutes for the January 2019 council meeting
Before getting down to business, all newly elected officals were propperly sworn in by Mr, Johnny Burson. The deal is done on the sale of property on First Street and will close as soon as the town collects its money on the transaction. The mayor received information about possible updates to the siren system. One of the possibilities is automatic siren activation from the national weather service. See the minutes for the January council meeting here and the agenda for the February meeting here.

The last minutes from 2018 and the first agenda of 2019 are now on-line
Minutes from the last council meeting in 2018 and the agenda for the first meeting are now on this site for all to see, including any one on the planet who can connect to the internet. In December the 2019 budget was under construction. At the January 8 meeting the final product will be up for approval. The council sold the town's interest in some land. Also, all of the folks you elected to serve in Felsenthal's local government will be sworn in. Medical Center of South Arkansas has a new program concerning the Opioid addition problem. To refer someone or one’s self for treatment call 870-863-2491.

We are Felsenthal, Arkansas, next door to the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge — covering 65,000 acres in Ashley, Bradley and Union Counties in south Arkansas. Grand Marais Lake is in our back yard.
Felsenthal NWR is the world's largest green-tree reservoir. The Refuge offers hiking trails, fishing, wildlife observation photography, hunting, including youth hunts, environmental education and interpretation, and camping. Click here for Felsenthal NWR fact sheet.
For our visitors and friends: Find out about how much fun you can have here, about our history, our outdoor sports and our events. We are a friendly Southern town and love company. Y'all come.
For home folks: Find information about your home town, including:
- Town council meeting agendas (see main menu above under Home)
- Town council minutes are now posted (see main menu above under Home)
- Water and sewer application and flood plain permit forms
- The Felsenthal annual budget
- Monthly financial reports
- Proposed ordinances
- Wildlife and outdoor activities
- Announcements
Click here to email us. Call us at 870.943.2454